Monday, July 1, 2013

WORS #5 Red Flint Firecracker

Leaving at 7:30 PM from home my dad and I embarked on our 4 hour drive to Eau Claire Wisconsin for the Red Flint Firecracker WORS #5. Arriving at the venue at 1:30 AM we quickly set up and went to bed knowing we had to wake up at 7:00 AM to pre-ride. Waking up was rough but what was even more rough was pre ride. During pre ride my shifter broke, leaving me with the three hardest gears on the big and small ring to use during the race. The 3 gears on the big ring were in no use for the course, so I was left with the 3 on the small ring. Figures the one time I race WORS with gears I can't use over half of them, Im pretty sure I'm destined to race single speed. When it came for race time, I knew that I just had to finish to get points. My start was awesome, but slowly but surely I fell more and more behind. The course was awesome, and I did take second but I wish my shifter would have worked.
Overall I was in love with this race course and a great day.
Before the rocky downhill!

Crash on the rock drop!
Rock Drop
My Medal

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