Saturday, June 15, 2013

Chain Drive - KCDF

Pre Race
After the best week at Jr. MTB Camp, we all got to race Chain Drive! I wasn't really sure what to expect from myself because I was pretty exhausted from the past few days at camp, and it was my first race in a long time that wasn't on a s/s but on race day I felt ready to race. The race was only 16 miles so I felt confident with my training that it wouldn't be too much of a problem. The race had a long road roll out, I drafted off a couple of large dudes and when we got to cemetery hill I used my s/s skills to my advantage and killed all the way up the hill. On the single track I didn't hammer too much I used it more to catch my breath, but on the double track I went all out and somehow managed to take the muddiest lines every time. (I'm just excited for cx season) I kept passing guys and no girls so I figured I was either dead last or in first. In the single track my shoe hit a large rock and the rock unbuckled my shoe and it basically came off. When I stopped to fix it, the second place girl passed me, all the way through Aunt Flow (a pump track with large jumps) I was trying to catch her, and the rest of the race was a battle between her and I. At the end she beat me by 45 seconds, which was a bummer but I was still happy with 2nd overall!
Coolest Podiums EVER

Aunt Flow 

Instead of medals they gave a picture frame with a picture of the trails on it, I also got Infinit drink (maybe it wont make me sick like EFS, and 2 bottles! Overall it was a really great day!
My Stuff! 

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