Saturday, June 1, 2013

WORS Red Eye Rendezvous

Saturday night I received a email saying the race my dad and I were racing the next day was cancelled due to flooding. Instantly dad and I packed up the van and left on our 4 hour drive to Wausau, WI. Arriving there at 1 AM we knew we had to wake up at 6 and pre ride the course before the races started. I was worried about the 5 hours of sleep, but I was more worried about how janky the motel was that we were staying at. Bates Motel/ The Shining kind of feel to it. In the morning I was relived to be alive when I woke up.
We got to the race course around 7:45 and we got changed as fast as possible and did pre ride. 

2nd Lap 
  1:30 we started, Rachel and I thought we were supposed to do 3 laps, but actually we were supposed to do 2. The first lap I felt VERY slow, but the gearing on my s/s was perfect for the course. The only part that was hard for me on the s/s was the climb after the rock garden. Finishing the race, I had no idea that I did an extra lap until awards when Rachel told me she did one too. I came in 3rd, and got an extra workout in with the extra lap. Stupid mistake but still ended up being a good day.
After Race 

Podium! 3rd Place!
Lookin' Scary

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